katazamiti 胃潰瘍、糖尿病に
(English:Coast goldleaf,Coast golden leaf)
Katazamiti is a native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is a semi-deciduous to deciduous tree up to 20m tall with a dense rounded crown and tall, bare stem. All parts of the plant are used in traditional medicine .Formerly called Bridelia micrantha , It is traditionally used in the treatment of stomach ailments and diseases such as gastritis , salmonellosis , gastro-enteritis, diarrhea and constipation , tapeworms and as emetic for poisons ( causes vomiting ).
Scientific studies have shown that extracts of the whole stem demonstrated antimicrobial activity by inhibiting the growth of the whole stem demonstrated (Pylori) and campylobacter jejuni/coli.
It is used as atreatment for the skin problems such as ulcers , boils , and rashes ;for respiratory problems such as perisistent cough, TB, Pnuermonia , Brochintis and Pluerisy; as analgesic (pain reliever ) ;
It is also sometimes used as an ant malarial.
For toothache and gum diseases
For painful menstruation and to prevent abortion; as a stimulant and Restorative tonic (alterative) for fortifyingpregnant woman.
It is used for treating sickle cell anemia, HIV/AIDS and Anemia in general.
Preliminary research on medical properties of Katazamiti has shown this herb to be beneficial in treating HIV/AIDS as it cures diarrhea and stomach discomfort, which are common illness in AIDS and contributes to the wellbeing of the patient.
It has also been shown to be apossible principle inhibitor to HIV-1 reverse transcriptase .Katazamiti is also used in treating psychological problems such as neurosis and psychosis
引用 https://miraclehealingherbs1.blogspot.jp/p/katazamiti-bridelia-micrantha.html
avocado sheed 高血圧に(写真なし)
olumanyo ブレインブースター(脳の活性化)
nile 糖尿病
gobbe 腸の潰瘍
mulyluza マラリア
mudalasalama マラリア(タンザニアからきたもの、絞って使う)
omutengala 更年期
galomuenda 鬱に、絞って頭に擦り込む、便秘にも
Kintu Adam薬草医、突然の訪問にも関わらず、大変ご親切な解説をして頂き、ありがとうございました!
Kintu Adam-Herb doctor
Butambala District Kalamba s/c Kikunya A-village